Food Supplements The Pursuit Of Health As Preventive Medicine

Wheatgrass is a food made from the common wheat plant which is becoming more popular as an ingredient in juice recipes. Research has shown that wheatgrass has a healing effect in many different areas. It is consumed for its nutritional content which includes vitamins, minerals, amino acid, and enzymes.

In capsule form you will find a wide array of vitamins including multivitamins and antioxidant formulations the two types of WheatGrass Powder vitamin supplement I most recommend.

And it contains seventy-five percent chlorophyll - most green vegetables have a great deal less than that - and chlorophyll reduces the risk of colon cancer. It's the "blood" of the plant world and its molecular structure is similar to our blood. No wonder it's an important ingredient in some of the better vegetable juices; you'll find that wheatgrass juices are right there with the rest of them.

Fish oil supplements. Your body needs the omega 3s found in fish oil to function. When you don't get enough, like in most Western diets, your body and brain mechanisms start to break down and you have a higher risk for numerous problems, like heart disease, cancer, diabetes, mental disorders and poor vision, to name a few. Wild fish is great but is often high in mercury and other contaminants so you can only eat so much. Fish oil supplements have become the proven answer for many health-conscience individuals.

You can purchase pre-juiced wheatgrass juice in the freezer section of some health food stores. However, use caution when purchasing these products. Many retailers are not permitted to sell unpasteurized wheatgrass juice. However, the process of pasteurization kills all of the nutrients making it worthless as a nutritional supplement.

If you're still using a regular blender to make your recipe, add liquids to the blender first so they don't bind the frozen fruit and get it stuck. It is for this reason that smoothie makers are preferred for making smoothies.

Spinach and leafy greens are no doubt considered green foods. They can be used to make green smoothies and pack tons of vitamins and minerals. Adding spinach or kale to smoothies can be undetectable, while you still get your necessary and vital nutrition from the concoction. get more info Of course, used in salads and meals is also a great way to get your daily dose of green powered foods.

Buy a good quality green powder with a blend of cereal grasses, such as wheatgrass, kamut, and barely grass and a blend of algaes such as spirulina, chorella, and blue green algae. If you don't have any fresh leafy greens on hand you can always add a spoonful to your smoothie for extra nutrition. Green powders are also very easy to travel with and can be added to smoothies and juices for an extra boost.

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